Wow ! It's been awhile huh? We haven't gone anywhere... just hard at work (the website.. I promise it's coming ! & well worth the wait)
One of my personal favorites ? Turning old sheets & curtains into table linens ! I love the floral patterns, lace trims & ruffles . . I can't possibly pass these beauties up _ EVER ! During an estate sale I can normally be found sifting through piles upon piles of linens. . attempting to stuff all I can into my bag (sounds a bit like a problem doesn't it?) but I love bringing them home and creating something fantastic !
Here are a few of my new additions.

Old valances turned into a simple table linen

Bed sheets make a great base for a table linen. . Valance with ruffles ( well need I say more) . .Pillow Cases can be used for adorning a chair back or a seat cushion ! So many possibilities ! I better get back to work ;)
Oh, I love this!