Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sew Perfect

So I'm excited to share my newest adventure with all of you ! By now you may know my love for sewing, I can't say I was ever formerly trained or even know what I'm doing half the time but I do what I can to make it work. My Mom grew up sewing; making outfits for her and my Dad (so cute) & I've also been envious of her talent that I somehow couldn't grasp (it's also called a lack of patience) I feel like I've spent years looking for lessons & trying to learn but it was either never the right time, too expensive, in a bad location.. it just wasn't right. Well you know how people say when you stop trying or looking it happens? (Hmm where have I heard this before?)

Take my fascination with factory buildings & add in my envy for women who worked in dress factories years ago and we've got a job that I never thought I would have. I currently work a few hours a week in a factory building sewing along side a group of extremely talented women who.. grew up working in dress factories. I feel like if any of them ever saw this post and how much I gush about this experience they'd get a kick out of it but it's seriously amazing. Not only do I constantly learn techniques, tricks and tips from these women but they're hilarious, inappropriate and great company to have ! Granted we're not sewing anything glamorous but it really doesn't matter to me, the overall experience is so priceless that I really don't care what I'm making.. it's actually a pretty awesome feeling to sew something that gets put into production (especially when my work passed inspection my 2nd day on the job !) Oh.. and I get paid to do this, the hours are perfect, I can wear whatever I want, listen to my iPod & I drink coffee all day. It's pretty perfect and let's not forget how beneficial this can be to the future of Maggpie. (did I mention they do upholstery here as well... oh I made sure to speak up and tell them I'm interested in learning that too)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Business Card Journey Continues

I wanted to create a fun way to display our business cards for upcoming shows we're doing. Being that I have so many scraps and pieces of fabric I decided to make a little holder for them. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to make 500+ of these little things but I do have until January.. and now my mind is made up so I don't really have a choice ;)

We're adding a little booklet into each holder that will feature a few select items from our inventory.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Greenville Country Club Part II

Jason and I had the pleasure of traveling to Greenville Country Club in Delaware early June. The venue was BEAUTIFUL & the bride had an amazing vision. These are some pictures she shared with us so far so I wanted to share them with you ! { vintage renters: isn't it an amazing feeling when you finally see your finds come to life? }


Congratulations Keye & Melissa !